GRMON3 is a hardware monitor optimized for SPARC/LEON and RISC-V/NOEL-V systems, providing a non-intrusive debug environment. The target system can be monitored and controlled by the graphical user interface with scripting support. A large number of debug link interfaces are supported and the debugger can be user adapted for several system configurations.


Additionally they provide a quick-start guide on how to setup the Eclipse framework or Microsoft Visual Code to be used for the development of LEON/NOEL-V applications, together with a GCC tool-chain.


GRMON3 has full support for multi-core systems, such as the GR740 Quad-Core LEON4 SPARC V8 Processor GR740 device, the dual-core GR712RC and NOEL-V demonstration FPGA bitstreams.


Supported target devices:

  • All LEON/GRLIB systems (via PnP)
  • LEON2, LEON3, LEON4, LEON5 SPARCv7/SPARCv8 systems
  • NOEL-V 32-bit and 64-bit RISC-V based systems
  • GR740, GR712RC
  • UT699, UT699E and UT700
  • GR716 Radiation-Tolerant Microcontroller
  • GR718B Radiation-Tolerant 18x SpaceWire Router
  • LEON2-based systems, including AT697 and AGGA4


You can check out GRMON3 here