The main motivation for the DarkRISCV was create a migration path for some projects around the 680×0/Coldfire family. Although the code is small and crude when compared with other RISC-V implementations, the DarkRISCV has lots of impressive features:
- implements most of the RISC-V RV32E instruction set
- implements most of the RISC-V RV32I instruction set (missing csr*, e* and fence*)
- works up to 250MHz in a ultrascale ku040 (400MHz w/ overclock!)
- up to 100MHz in a cheap spartan-6, fits in small spartan-3E such as XC3S100E!
- can sustain 1 clock per instruction most of time (typically 71% of time)
- flexible harvard architecture (easy to integrate a cache controller, bus bridges, etc)
- works fine in a real xilinx (spartan-3, spartan-6, spartan-7, artix-7, kintex-7 and kintex ultrascale)
- works fine with some real altera and lattice FPGAs
- works fine with gcc 9.0.0 for RISC-V (no patches required!)
- uses between 850-1500LUTs (core only with LUT6 technology, depending of enabled features and optimizations)
- optional RV32E support (works better with LUT4 FPGAs)
- optional 16×16-bit MAC instruction (for digital signal processing)
- optional coarse-grained multi-threading (MT)
- no interlock between pipeline stages!
- BSD license: can be used anywhere with no restrictions.
You can download the darkriscv core here
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