OpenPiton is a general purpose, multithreaded manycore processor. It is a tiled manycore framework scalable from one to 1/2 billion cores. It is a 64-bit architecture using SPARC v9 ISA with a distributed directory-based cache coherence protocol across on-chip networks. It is highly configurable in both core and uncore components.
This version of OpenPiton supports the 64bit Ariane RISC-V processor from ETH Zurich. To this end, Ariane has been equipped with a different L1 cache subsystem that follows a write-through protocol and that has support for cache invalidations and atomics. This L1 cache system is designed to connect directly to the L1.5 cache provided by OpenPiton’s P-Mesh.
OpenPiton has been verified in both ASIC and multiple Xilinx FPGA prototypes running full-stack Debian linux. We have released both the Verilog RTL code as well as synthesis and back-end flow. We believe OpenPiton is a great framework for researchers in computer architecture, OS, compilers, EDA, security and more.
OpenPiton has been published in ASPLOS 2016: Jonathan Balkind, Michael McKeown, Yaosheng Fu, Tri Nguyen, Yanqi Zhou, Alexey Lavrov, Mohammad Shahrad, Adi Fuchs, Samuel Payne, Xiaohua Liang, Matthew Matl, and David Wentzlaff. “OpenPiton: An Open Source Manycore Research Framework.” In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS ’16), April 2016.
You can download OpenPiton here
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